If you have an entity outside of the U.S. and would like to update your tax information on your royalty account, you will first need to complete and submit back to us a new W-8BEN-E tax form. For faster processing, please make sure the name on your new tax form matches the name on your account. Below are helpful tips to complete the form:
- Download the fillable PDF form on your personal device.
- So, we can accurately capture your information, we highly recommend typing in your responses.
- Be sure the person signing the form is an authorized account signatory.
DOWNLOAD W-8BEN-E Tax Form and read instructions for filling it out.
If you have any other questions about filling out the form, please consult your tax professional.
You can also submit your forms via mail to us:
Universal Music Group
P. O. Box 4012
Woodland Hills, CA 91365
Attn: Royalty Services Team